Study: Private equity firms buying newspapers cut local news
Study: Private equity firms buying newspapers cut local news
Study: Private equity firms buying newspapers cut local news
Vulture capitalists are circling my old newspaper. Here’s why we need to fight them off.
Vulture capitalists are circling my old newspaper. Here’s why we need to fight them off.
Vulture capitalists are circling my old newspaper. Here’s why we need to fight them off.
How the Local News Crisis Affects Coverage of COVID and Climate – and Vice Versa
How the Local News Crisis Affects Coverage of COVID and Climate – and Vice Versa
How the Local News Crisis Affects Coverage of COVID and Climate – and Vice Versa
Journalists mourn the loss of newsrooms as publishers give up office space to save money
President of NewsGuild Jon Schleuss Wonders if Local News will Survive in NJ
‘You just don’t have enough bodies’
‘With the pandemic, there are so many potential stories’
A lifeline for ‘the only source of local information’
The rise of ‘news deserts’